Maintenance_Course Caterpillar Machine Preventive Maintenance Training | Tractors Singapore

Caterpillar Machine Preventive Maintenance Training

Duration : 1.5 days
Venue : Tractors Singapore Limited
Language : English

Course Outline

This course is intended for machine technicians to familiarize themselves with safety features and preventive maintenance requirements of the Caterpillar machines.

The course consists of classroom and machine walk-around sessions as well as review of common maintenance tasks to highlight the importance of performing preventive maintenance tasks correctly in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Manuals and at the same time, taking into consideration, contamination control.

Participants will also learn to use the Digital Multimeter to perform basic electric/electronic checks.

Course Objectives / Schedule

  1. Familiarisation of Machine Safety Features
  2. Familiarise with Maintenance Interval Schedule and Preventive Maintenance Tasks
  3. State Importance of Contamination Control and apply Contamination Control
  4. Perform Daily Walk-Around Safety & Maintenance Check
  5. Perform Basic Preventive Maintenance Tasks in accordance with Operations and Maintenance Manuals
  6. Perform Basic Measurements and Checks with Digital Multimeter

Course Schedule

Day 1
  • Machine Safety Features
  • Maintenance Interval Schedule and Preventive Maintenance Tasks
  • Contamination Control and Implementation
  • Perform Machine Safety and Inspection Check
  • Review of Preventive Maintenance Tasks
    • Engine Oil Filter Replacement
    • Fuel Filter Replacement
    • Hydraulic Filter Replacement

Day 2


  • Checks Using Digital MultimeterChecks Using Digital Multimeter
  • Q&A and Review