bulldozer Bulldozer / Track Type Tractors Operator Familiarization & Safety | Tractors Singapore

Bulldozer / Track Type Tractors Operator Familiarization & Safety

Duration : 1 day
Venue : Tractors Singapore Limited or your job site
Language: : English

Course Outline

This course is designed to prepare you to quickly and accurately diagnose problems, test and adjust components as well as demonstrate knowledge of the strategies used in major systems of the bulldozer/track type tractor.

At the completion of this course, you will be able to accurately locate and identify machine and system components and demonstrate understanding of machine functionality.

Course Objectives / Schedule

  1. Identify the Safety Labels on the machine
  2. Locate & identify major machine & engine systems components & service points
  3. Test and adjust machine systems and their major components
  4. Describe components & systems operation & the control strategies used in machine system.