Learning_Center_Site_Dyno1 Electronics Troubleshooting  | Tractors Singapore

Electronics Troubleshooting

Attendance & Assessment

Personnel attending this course should possess a fundamental understanding of electrical and electronics components. The course participants should have experience with basic circuits, use of multimeter, electrical schematics interpretation, Basic Cat ET, and service connector tools.

The following e-learning modules must be completed on the DPC prior to attending (a CWS login is required to access the DPC courses):

  1. AEL01 Electrical Diagnostics Resources (56098)
  2. AEL02 Input Components (56082)
  3. AEL03 Electronic Control Units (56339)
  4. AEL04 Output Components (56340)
  5. AEL05 Data Links (56357)
  6. FEL01 Basic Electricity (52741)
  7. FEL02 Electrical Circuits (52742)
  8. FEL03 Basic Electrical Components (52742)
  9. FEL04 Solid State Components (52744)
  10. FEL05 Wires and Connectors (52745)
  11. FEL06 Battery (52746)
  12. FEL07 Magnetism (52747)
  13. FEL08 Charging System (52748)
  14. FEL09 Starting System (52749)
  15. FEL10 Introduction to Electronic Control Systems (52750)
  16. FEL11 Introduction to Monitoring Systems (52751)
  17. FEL12 Introduction to Product Technologies (52781)
  18. FEL13 Electrical Schematics and Symbols (52752)
  19. FEL14 Introduction to Cat ET (52753)

Course Outline

The Electronics Troubleshooting learning course is intended for Cat Dealer Service Technicians, Service Training Instructors, Technical Communicators, Caterpillar employees, approved OEM working on electronically controlled Cat engines or machines, and Customer Technicians who have a basic knowledge and experience of the topic. Participants should also possess at least basic English language (oral and written) skills. This course focuses on FMI codes that relates to inputs and outputs and scenario-based troubleshooting (critical FMI codes -3, -4, -5, -6, -8, -9, -14).

Topics include:


Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  1. Troubleshoot ECUs
  2. Troubleshoot CAN and CDL datalink using volts and resistance
  3. Troubleshoot fault codes related to input circuits
  4. Troubleshoot fault codes related to output circuits.

Note: This Course Description is subject to change due to product design changes and individual attendee needs and experience.